Miss Zilm

Passion for purity and place to capture the essence of the Clare

Selecting the best parcels of fruit to showcase ‘Clares’ regional and varietal flavours in their purest form.

Committed to capturing the essence of the Clare, Keeda crafts wines that are true to site and celebrate the hard-working growers with whom she shares strong friendships, and a passion for purity and place.

This small selection of Keeda's favorite varieties is all about making small batches, minimal intervention wines full of flavour and personality.

Keeda Zilm winemaker Biography feature by Unovino Keeda Zilm winemaker Biography feature by Unovino


Working alongside industry icon and renowned “old master of Australian Riesling” John Vickery.

Keeda has spent nearly two decades winemaking in the Clare Valley, which she affectionately refers to as her “winemaking home”. Her focus is on what the region does best whilst embracing minimal intervention viticulture and implementing organic, sustainable winemaking practices.  

In October 2018 industry icon and the renowned ‘old master of Australian Riesling’, John Vickery, paid Keeda the ultimate compliment by selecting her to take charge of the winemaking at Vickery Wines.

The ultimate in winemaking & varietal expression

Shop Miss Zilm wines

Boutique wines by the bottle - not the box.

The ethos of Miss Zilm is about purity and place.

Wines crafted to be “true to site” and celebrate the hard work of her dedicated growers.

K S Wine In Boot - Unovino K S Wine In Boot - Unovino

Capturing the essence of the Clare

Miss Zilm make small batch, minimal intervention wines full of flavour and personality. They focus on being ‘true to site’ and doing what the Clare region does best, whilst embracing minimal intervention viticulture and implementing organic, sustainable winemaking practices.

Keeda and Fiano in Vineyard - Unovino Keeda and Fiano in Vineyard - Unovino

Wine is not just a drink

Keeda loves the fact that each vineyard has an intricate story. It starts with the selection of the location and varietals which often remain unknown to the winemaker. 

So the process of bringing Miss Zilm to life was an emotional one. Keeda is now producing some beautiful wines from incredible vineyards in a region that she loves which is extremely important to her as not a lot of winemakers get this privilege.

"Sustainability is incredibly important to me. I truly believe that we, as adults, have a responsibility to be doing everything we possibly can to be sustainable".